Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Skeptical Bureaucrat Elucidates on Calderon Visit, Wikileaks

       Have you noticed that the world has been sort of falling apart since last November when the Wikileaks
came out with all the US State Department Cables?  And have you noticed how the amount of senseless killings
and bizarro murders in the US has escalated the past few months? Today The Skeptical Bureaucrat posted a 
great piece about Mexico President Calderon's visit with Obama this past week. It looks like the leaked
cables on Mexico have cost us not one just but two ambassadors! 

       This week also brought something new to Arizona where governor Jan Brewer helped herself get elected by spreading tales of beheaded corpses scattered over Arizona's southern desert. A guy was actually beheaded
in Chandler, Arizona after escaping from drug traffickers in Mexico. Chandler, Az Beheading Oct. 10 There 
is very little you can't get murdered for in Mexico these days but stealing a drug load will put the professionals 
on your trail. 

Also of interest this past week is a UN report that UN Report: Big Increase In Mexican Heroin Coming to US currently about 13,000 acres of land is currently devoted to heroin production in Mexico. They 
are outsourcing the farming now to illegal immigrants from Central America who work as slaves. If not willing 
to work they get tortured/murdered. The Mexican government says they rescued 628 of them last year from 
the drug cartels. 

        Activisim in Mexico also ranks high as a lethal profession. Josephina Reyes campaigned for years about atrocities against the women of Juarez by the Mexican Army til she was murdered a year ago. Since then they have gone after her mother, sister and other relatives who are now seeking asylum. Slain Activist's Surviving Family Seeks US Asylum  A brave young criminology student took over the vacant police chief duties in Praxedis G.Guerrero near Juarez last fall. She worked alone and carried no weapon. This weekend she fled to El Paso after death threats. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE STATE DEPARTMENT RARELY GRANTS IMMUNITY TO PEOPLE LIKE THIS INCLUDING JOURNALISTS. Why? Because they don't want these people bringing their troubles across the border. De Nile is a river near El Paso! Anyway.... If you want to know what's really going on in the world check outThe Skeptical Bureaucrat
for some great insights!  Also read Charles Bowden's books starting with "Down by The River". I wish our ambassadors to Mexico had read that before insulting the Mexican officials. lil GWB

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