Saturday, March 26, 2011

lilGWB Predicts Next Phase of World Wide Meltdown: April 19th 2011

       Having predicted the big Japanese earthquake just hours before it happened, based on peculiar
animal behavior he himself was exhibiting,
  Jim Berkeland and California "Earthquake Fish" lilGWB
took some time in yesterdays afternoon sun to give an in depth interview to visiting journalists.

       "W", as he likes to be called thinks people should be asking what comes next, and when? As we
(2) settled into our chairs "W" uttered the date April 19th. He is a great believer in the world
acclaimed futures trader Eric Hadik Insiide Track Japan Earthquake Prediction who uses unique
cycles to predict wars, earthquakes, volcanoes, grain prices etc. Eric has long noted how many
catastrophic world events have occurred on or around April 19th. (2010 saw the Deepwater Horizon
disaster on April 20th). Hmm we said... So what do you see happening around April 19th?

       "Just look for logical extensions of what has already happened. We already see that gasoline and food is disappearing in Tripoli. The foreign workers are gone who harvest the produce and without
gasoline it is going to be hard to run those toyota pickups to fight the war. The Libyan economy could
collapse soon, the dinar already has. And isn't hunger and high prices what started this whole thing?
A humanitarian disaster in Libya is a pretty good bet. And how about Egypt? The stock market just opened back up this past week and about half the money left the country in a little over 2 hrs. Stock market crashes always cause trouble. The army just imposed a ban on demonstrations and sit-ins.
That should/could start some trouble soon."

        " The European debt crisis seems to be getting "twitchy" like the NATO alliance. This Benghazi
uprising could also turn into a jobs program for al Quaeda and the muslim brotherhood. Now that Hillary has hornswoggled the mideast and europe into this humanitarian mission there might turn out
to be a lot more than a military cost to saving Libya and Egypt. Oh, did I mention Isreal, Syria, Gaza
and Lebanon? Something could break out there. Add to that a big west coast earthquake and radiation spreading everywhere and there could be some big problems."   At this point "W" called an end to the
interview due to a need to mow "his" backyard before it starts raining again!    GWB

1 comment:

  1. Good point about the Toyota Hylux pickups. The rebels will need more gas or diesel soonest.

    Also, Libya imports 90% of its food. If this stalemate locks in, expect to see another oil-for-food program. Another generation of UN-crats, European politicians, and their middlemen will get rich.
